Gallery Blog

Tim Platt's Botanical Opticals series IPA Fine Art first prize award

Botanical Opticals win IPA Award Fine Art categ...

Tim Platt

Botanical Opticals series wins the Professional Abstract Fine Art category in the International Photography awards 2022.

Botanical Opticals win IPA Award Fine Art categ...

Tim Platt

Botanical Opticals series wins the Professional Abstract Fine Art category in the International Photography awards 2022.

Textile designer Sue Maton on the Botanical Opticals exhibition

Textile designer Sue Maton on the Botanical Opt...

Tim Platt

Sue Maton is a textile designer drawn to symmetrical patterns. Read her fascinating insights into how our Reticular Activating System plays a role in our own patterns of behaviour.

Textile designer Sue Maton on the Botanical Opt...

Tim Platt

Sue Maton is a textile designer drawn to symmetrical patterns. Read her fascinating insights into how our Reticular Activating System plays a role in our own patterns of behaviour.